How long have you been at Baker University and what has made you stay here?<strong>How long have you been at Baker University and what has made you stay here?</strong> How long have you been at Baker University and what has made you stay here?
It makes me sounds really, really old, but I came to Baker full-time in the fall of 1983. So, I’ve been here a long, long time. I took a leave of absence once. I was gone for a full year and then I did some work a couple of years ago while I was on sabbatical. But I came back both times, just because I really missed the Baker family.
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Have you worked anywhere else or done anything else besides teach?<strong> Have you worked anywhere else or done anything else besides teach?</strong> Have you worked anywhere else or done anything else besides teach?
When I first got out of school, I worked for a short time as a product cost-controller at Hallmark. Then I spent about three and a half years as a bank examiner for the FDIC and I loved that job, but it did not combine at all with the potential for starting a family. So, that’s why I looked for something and found this part-time position at Baker. (It) just really kind of fell in my lap, so I was very fortunate.
What has been your greatest experience at Baker?<strong> What has been your greatest experience at Baker?</strong> What has been your greatest experience at Baker?
I think for me personally, it would definitely be the opportunity to go and teach at Harlaxton (College). I’ve done that twice. That was definitely the highlight for me individually, was to have that opportunity to get to do it twice and take my kids and have them go to school there. So it was their study abroad as well.
What did you enjoy most about Harlaxton?<strong> What did you enjoy most about Harlaxton?</strong> What did you enjoy most about Harlaxton?
That’s my heritage and I’m kind of a history geek. I started off to be a history major when I came to college. So just to be immersed in that culture; it has such a long stream and so many fascinating stories. I’ve been 14 times to England and I still have a long list of things to do.
What else is on your to-do list in England?<strong>What else is on your to-do list in England?</strong> What else is on your to-do list in England?
I haven’t traveled in the southwest part of the Bristish Isles at all, and I’d really like to go to the Cheddar Gorge for no other reason than to say I’ve been there, where cheddar cheese came from. I’ve gotten to do a lot of things that were on my to-do list.
What are you looking forward to most about working in your new position as the assistant dean for academic affairs?<strong> What are you looking forward to most about working in your new position as the assistant dean for academic affairs?</strong> What are you looking forward to most about working in your new position as the assistant dean for academic affairs?
I think I have just a lot to learn and I love to learn. I will always be learning, and so I’ve got things to learn about handling student issues and things like that. It’s new territory for me. So just the opportunity to kind of expand my horizons a little bit and try some different things.
Is there anything about the position you’re least looking forward to?<strong> Is there anything about the position you&#8217;re least looking forward to?</strong> Is there anything about the position you’re least looking forward to?
Maybe the same thing. Maybe also … having to figure out having to handle some things that may not always be real fun to do and kind of finding my way for working through things where folks are real upset or emotional.