Junior Antonio Adgers, who represented Zeta Phi Beta sorority, was crowned Mr. BU on Tuesday after competing in a pageant for campus men.
Juniors Brandon Haefke and Nicholas Marra took second place with tied scores from the judges.
The night, themed after ancient Greece, included toga evening gowns, random questions and talent performances. Each Baker University fraternity and sorority had a representative in the show.
Junior Zach Pryor represented Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and enjoyed being a part of the event.
“I was really excited for Antonio, Nick and Brandon,” Pryor said. “They represented BU well.”
Freshman Allissa Houchin worked behind the scenes at the event and praised the Baker tradition.
“It was a blast,” Houchin said. “They were all really great contestants.”
One male impersonator, freshman Madison Wendt, represented Zeta Chi fraternity. The seven men and Wendt danced in a group number choreographed by Houchin and senior Dominique Vieyra. After answering a question while wearing a toga, each contestant presented a talent.
Other participants were junior Sean Driskill and freshmen Kip Unruh and Luke Miltz.
Junior Stephanie Haug, a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, enjoyed the toga portion of the competition.
“The modeling was my favorite,” Haug said. “Especially (Delta Delta Delta sorority’s) toga. That was the best.”
Houchin couldn’t help but laugh during the competition and loved working with the contestants.
“It was really funny,” she said. “The guys were nervous, but they were hilarious the whole time.”
Pryor felt the most challenged during the question and answer portion.
“I’m not used to answering deep questions on stage in front of everyone,” Pryor said.