Greek Week continued on campus with the Greek life pageant Mr. BU Tuesday night in Rice Auditorium. The annual tradition featured group dancing, talent exhibitions, crossdressing and pick-up lines before sophomore Jim Joyner, Baker Orange assistant sports editor representing the sorority Delta Delta Delta, was crowned as the new Mr. BU.
Hosted by seniors Ben Sobek (Zeta Chi) and Kayla Infanti (Delta Delta Delta), the event brought together members of the houses for a night of showcasing Greek pride. This year’s “congeniality” contestants were freshmen Adam Downing, Loic Vaugirad and Alec Fox, representing the fraternities Sigma Phi Epsilon, Zeta Phi Beta and Zeta Chi, respectively; sophomores Tyler Randall and Andrew Dare and Joyner representing Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Tau Delta and Delta Delta Delta, respectively; and senior Brandon Haefke representing the sorority Zeta Tau Alpha.
Judging this year was Assistant Director of Athletics and Communications Tyler Price, Associate Professor of Mass Media Joe Watson and Associate Professor of Psychology Sarah Crump.
Freshman Maddie Wilcox entered Rice Auditorium with high hopes that Randall would take the win for her sorority, but really enjoyed Joyner’s performance and agreed with his win.
“Honestly, Jim was hilarious the whole time, I couldn’t stop laughing,” Wilcox said. “Everyone was pretty great, but Jim was the right choice.”
This year was Wilcox’s first time attending Mr. BU. She said her favorite part of the evening was the “outrageous” outfits the men donned during the costume portion of the contest, when each contestant dressed in clothing symbolic of the house he represented. One of the evenings crowd-pleasers was Haefke’s decision to wear a princess outfit stylized and designed for the girls of Zeta Tau Alpha.
Wilcox hopes to attend future Mr. BU events and believes that anyone, Greek or not, should attend.
“I didn’t really know what to expect, but it was a really great time. I would recommend it to anyone,” Wilcox said.
Joyner had a great time working with the other contestants and is excited for the win.
“I was asked by the head of the Mr. BU committee, Kayla Infanti, and she told me that it would be fun for me to do and they nominated me,” Joyner said. “So, I decided I’d give it a go and do my best to represent the great sorority of Delta Delta Delta.”
For Joyner, the hardest part of the competition was preparing for the event.
“You want it to seem like you weren’t sure what you were going to do, but at the same time you have to have something envisioned in your head,” Joyner said.
When his name was called as the new Mr. BU, Joyner found that his moment of glory had come. It was by far his favorite moment of the evening.
“The entire Delta Delta Delta sorority stood up and started chanting ‘Jim, Jim, Jim,’ and it was a great feeling to represent such an esteemed house,” Joyner said.
Though not in a Greek house, Joyner said he had a good time.
“My partners in the show were just great,” Joyner said. “Tyler Randall did a fantastic dance number with his girlfriend, Becca, it was a sensational performance with lots of throwing and twirling. I also enjoyed Brandon Haefke’s song rendition by Frank Sinatra. Everybody else did a great job, and I was proud to be a part of Mr. BU.”
Joyner is hopeful that he can come back next year and go for the “two-peat”
“I think it’s a good pageant that gets everybody out to help support Greek Week,” Joyner said.