Is it wrong that I’m a fervent believer in the apocalypse?
Seriously, I’m sure that someday the world as we know it will end in a horrendous way and humanity will have to rebuild. Hopefully we will learn from our mistakes and be able to make a better species (and planet) for all who live here.
But how will the world end? That's a fair question dear readers, but one that has no easy answer. <br/>Zombies might do it.&#160; Plague (the non-zombie kind) is possible.&#160; Nuclear Armageddon is another clear choice.&#160; Zombies might do it. Plague (the non-zombie kind) is possible. Nuclear Armageddon is another clear choice. Zombies might do it. Plague (the non-zombie kind) is possible. Nuclear Armageddon is another clear choice.
My roommate thinks nano-bots will gain sentience and kill us all.
But as for me, I think zombies will come for us all. Hence the reason I want to be healthier.
You see, I feel (perhaps wrongly) that I have zombie-destruction knowledge in my head that many will need once the dead rise again. Therefore, it is incumbent upon me to do everything in my power to assure that I will be around to fight, and fight well, once the shufflers come for us all.
But why zombies? The answer is magic.
Even with our reliance on technology and science, there is still magic in this world.
Magic that can help or hurt.
Magic of destruction or creation. <br/>&#160; <br/>Zombies will be formed from dark magic, the kind that perverts life.&#160; And I'll be there with my chain mail and my baseball bat smashing away from little ol' Baldwin City to the nearest Cabela's.Zombies will be formed from dark magic, the kind that perverts life. And I'll be there with my chain mail and my baseball bat smashing away from little ol' Baldwin City to the nearest Cabela's. Zombies will be formed from dark magic, the kind that perverts life. And I’ll be there with my chain mail and my baseball bat smashing away from little ol’ Baldwin City to the nearest Cabela’s.
The point is that there are many possibilities, but what is your favorite?
Do you think it will be a righteous fury from the heavens or as simple as the wrong gunshot at the wrong time setting off WWIII? (By the way, WWIII will be fought by the fast food industry, Microsoft and Wal-Mart, and it will be over water.)
I know that this may seem to be far-fetched and more than a little crazy, but it’s what I believe and who is to tell me I’m wrong?
If there’s one thing I’ve learned this semester, it’s that the human species can’t keep living the way it is without severe consequences. What those consequences may be, I don’t know, but I have a feeling Mother Nature is going to get upset here soon and send us a message with the walking, shuffling, moaning, brain-eating monsters of the dark.
And I'll be waiting.<br/>&#160;