1 Container Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
1 Jar of pizza sauce
1 pack of pepperonis
1 bag of Mozzarella String Cheese Snack Packs
Handful of shredded cheese (optional)
Any preferred pizza topping
1) Open the container of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. Place the unwrapped dough about an inch apart from each other on a greased cookie sheet.
2) Cut the string cheese sticks into thirds and place a third in the center of each piece of dough. If you want more cheese, add more, just remember that the more ingredients, the more messy your rolls will be.
3) Add the pizza topping ingredients alongside the string cheese. I used four slices of pepperoni per roll, but you can as much of your favorite pizza toppings as desired.
4) Roll the dough pieces up around the pizza toppings. If you want mess-free appetizers, press the folds of the rolls together to seal the edges of the dough and contain the inner ingredients.
5) Bake the rolls at 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 9 minutes or until the rolls are raised and golden brown. For more flavor, sprinkle a little garlic salt over the rolls before baking.
6) Top the still-warm rolls with shredded cheese use the pizza sauce as a dipping sauce when serving.
7) Share with friends and enjoy!