Five hundred and twenty-five students will walk across the stage at graduation Dec. 18 and 19 in Collins Center.
The School of Professional and Graduate Studies ceremony is at 1 p.m. Dec. 18 and the School of the Education graduate ceremony is at 4:30 p.m., while the ceremony for the College of Arts and Sciences takes place Dec. 19.
At 1 p.m. Dec. 19, students from the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Nursing, School of Education and School of Professional and Graduate Students will listen to commencement speaker Charles Agro, who graduated from Baker in 1979.
“It’s a great story as far as Charles goes,” Executive Assistant Myra Glover said.
Agro is the manager of resources and grants for the Office of Emergency Management and served as the logistics chief in the Emergency Operations Center after the terrorist attacks in 2001.