Caitlin Mooney
Team black poses with their winning scoreboard after beating team orange 42-6.
On Oct. 10, Baker Panhellenic hosted the very first powderpuff flag football game in Liston Stadium. The free event provided spectators with a look into Baker sorority members’ competitive sides.
Each sorority chapter on campus selected 8 women to form two 12-person teams. The 8 women selected from each house were intermixed in the orange and black teams. Teams were originally planned to face off on Sept. 21 but were later rescheduled due to inclement weather. Junior Ann Beall, a member of Zeta Tau Alpha, played quarterback for the orange team in Tuesday’s game.
“It’s good to get to know your other Greek life people in a competitive environment,” she said, “Sometimes things can be tense among different houses so it’s nice to see us work together.”
Beall, like many others, said that she hopes to see more events like this in the future as it could get more people involved in Greek life.
Panhellenic Council member Sam Resch said that while this was the first flag football event, an event like this has been on their radar for the last year and that “one objective of this year’s board was to provide more comprehensive and inclusive events that women in Panhellenic could attend and enjoy.” There was a larger turnout for this event than many past Panhellenic events. Resch said that due to this positive response from the Baker community, Panhellenic plans to continue hosting a flag football game in the future.
Assistant director of student life Emma Wagemaker said that the idea for a flag football game was presented at a recent Panhellenic board meeting, “The Panhellenic Council members thought that it would be a great way for them to help engage the Baker community with one another and have some fun.” she said. While Wagemaker thought that this event was successful, she mentioned adding an event for the future where anyone can sign up to be on a team, bringing more spectators and participants. She also mentioned implementing a philanthropic aspect to better benefit the sororities and fraternities.
It appears that, although this was the first powderpuff football game, this event could have the potential to become a tradition for the Panhellenic Council and could get more students involved with Greek life; or just provide a fun evening.