Have you ever thought when hearing about a global issue or any issue at all, “this doesn’t affect me?”
While leaving the Trayvon Martin forum yesterday, which opened my eyes to more than I could have imagined, I started to wonder about all the issues that I haven’t heard about or don’t care about simply because, they don’t apply me.
Take for example the Trayvon Martin Case. It will never directly have an impact on me.
I don’t know the individuals involved in the case, and because I am white, I don’t have to worry about discrimination or struggles in the way someone of a minority race may have to.
Other than race being something that doesn’t seem to affect me, there is a long list of things that won’t be a problem for me.
For instance, I live in Kansas and I have lived here my whole life, so I don’t know what it is like to experience an earthquake or a hurricane.
There are also certain diseases that infect different third world countries but I’ll never know what it feels like to fear them because I don’t live in that country and I have a very slim chance of ever catching that disease.
Unless something directly happens in my state, my hometown or is a law that personally restricts me from something, I usually don’t think about it or know how it may be affecting me as an individual.
My point is that there are global issues happening every day that you or I might not think about, and to be honest, it is sad.
It is sad that people seem to be so busy nowadays that we can’t take two minutes out to see what is happening all around us, especially if it doesn’t seem to directly affect us.
I just wish people would wake up to see the bigger issues of the world.
I understand people have bad days, but you have to see that there are bigger things happening that may not involve you, but are a problem for some people in this world.
Some of your issues might be small and can be fixed and your life will go on, but for some people it doesn’t.
Some issues affect people in a more extreme way and they can’t escape the struggle, the sadness and the after effects of something.
In the long run, I wish myself, along with others, would care less about what is happening with ourselves and more about world issues and help those causes.
We can help those who are less fortunate. We can help others see the bigger issues and we have a chance to show we want justice and fairness in this world.