The Baker University Board of Trustees meeting Friday concentrated on student concerns and celebrated the dedication of Denious Hall.
Four students spoke at the meeting about how Baker has been an asset to their lives and education.
“What gets me up in the morning is what you’re going to hear (when these students speak),” University President Pat Long said.
Their speeches included a summary of their activities and experiences at Baker, as well as their plans for after graduation.
“I’m very confident in my future because of my education here,” junior Josh Rydberg said.
Other student speakers included senior Maggie Dupes and two students from Baker’s other campuses.
Friday’s meeting was also a celebration of the Janice and David von Riesen Welcome Center and Donald R. and Martha Hardy Mather Admission and Financial Aid Suite in the newly renovated Denious Hall.
The offices are named after Baker University alumni who made contributions to the renovations of what used to be an unoccupied residence hall.
Janice von Riesen graduated from Baker in 1946. She died in 2009 and left money to the university in her estate.
Long said von Riesen’s family members asked for a meeting with her and handed the president a check. After a golf cart ride around campus, the family decided Denious Hall would be where Janice would want the contribution to go.
Martha Hardy Mather made a gift to the Denious Hall project in 2011. Although Mather did not graduate from Baker, she attended the university for two years.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the generosity of Baker University alumni included a speech by Long and a reception followed in the newly dedicated welcome center.