For the past few years, B-Alert has been a system allowing students to receive alerts regarding emergency situations and information or updates about those situations. Under the system, people with registered cell phone numbers can receive a text message alert, email alert and voice mail message. This year, those in charge of B-Alert have taken away the weather alert program.
“Douglas County has an awesome emergency weather system,” Dean of Students Cassy Bailey said. “Students just have to register with them.”
Students must re-register every year to receive B-Alert messages and Bailey encourages students to sign up for some type of weather alert system, too.
The outlet Bailey suggests students use is called IRIS (Immediate Response Information System) and it works in the same way B-Alert does. Students just have to sign up with their information and phone number and they will receive the information they want about all sorts of weather-related emergencies.
To register for IRIS, go to