Few things during our college careers will ever be as stressful and as necessary as enrollment.
Students spend hours meticulously combing through the timetables trying to pick out the most convenient schedule for the next semester.
Many already know their classes before the timetables ever become available. Some even have their entire college career planned out.
So when the time comes to register for classes, in most cases, it’s make or break.
If a senior has even one class they need to take before he or she can graduate and it fills up before registration, the student might have to pay more for an extra semester.
If a freshman needs a prerequisite before entering a class for his or her major, the student may be put behind, thus pushing graduation back.
So when students go to MyBaker for registration and pages take five minutes each to load, they may lose precious time to get into the classes they need.
Since MyBaker’s debut a couple of years ago, registration has been a lot smoother than the days of Campus Connect.
However, this time around, several students have experienced issues with speed.
Also, it’s still an issue for many who have to go to the registrar’s office to register for any classes they already have taken, like workshops.
These little glitches create much frustration among students.
Registration for classes occurs twice every year. It’s necessary.
The fact that Baker has yet to fix these bugs in the system leaves students wondering what the holdup might be.