At 4 p.m. every Sunday on Mabee Lawn, the sounds of crashing weapons and battle cries can be heard across the Baker University campus.
This is the Baker Vniversity Lifeless Language Association (BVLLA) holding its weekly melee battle using foam weapons and shields.
“Its just an opportunity for people to get out and have some fun,” John Richards, assistant professor of history and BVLLA’s adviser, said. “It’s a great stress relief hitting people with foam swords.”
This is BVLLA’s second year holding the weekly battles. The idea came from the movie “Role Models,” which members of the organization watched last year. Richards said that the movie started it all and he hopes that it continues to grow.
Getting the word out about the battles had been more difficult this year because of the changes in procedures in what can be sent out to students.
“We used to get it out in an email,” senior Kyle Richardson said. “But now everything goes through the Wildcat Wire and nobody reads that.”
Secretary of BVLLA Krystyna Van Driel said that the group will be trying other ways to get the word out about the events.
“Right now, we’re planning on doing flash mob fights during passing periods,” Van Driel said.
Other ways include chalking sidewalks, a Facebook page, and word-of-mouth from members of BVLLA.
“It definitely gets bigger as it goes on, especially as friendships grow and people realize it’s a great way to hang out with your friends and do something violent at the same time without actually hurting anybody,” Richardson said.
This is not the only event for BVLLA. On Oct. 28, the group will host Circus Maximus, which is its biggest event of the year. This will involve Gladitorial combat and Chariot races, along with concessions.