While the university didn’t end up spending money to have furniture from Denious Hall removed, it could have explored its options a little more.
The university is in the process of an internal renovation of Denious that requires gutting the residence hall so it can be turned into a one-stop shop for the financial aid, business, marketing and advancement offices.
The original plan called for having a company remove furniture, including dressers, desks, chairs, loveseats and toilets, which the university would have been required to pay a fee to have done.
Doug Barth, director of alumni and corporate relations, suggested the university allow greek organizations the opportunity to remove the furniture for free or at a reduced cost.<br/>This is a good suggestion, which the university took to heart, and resulted in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity acquiring 24 dressers, five desks, some chairs, couches, loveseats and four toilets for a donation of $100.This is a good suggestion, which the university took to heart, and resulted in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity acquiring 24 dressers, five desks, some chairs, couches, loveseats and four toilets for a donation of $100.
This is a good suggestion, which the university took to heart, and resulted in Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity acquiring 24 dressers, five desks, some chairs, couches, loveseats and four toilets for a donation of $100.
However, other members of the community could have been given the chance as well.
Each president of the greek organizations was made aware of the opportunity via e-mail.
Couldn’t an e-mail have been sent to the campus notifying everyone of the availability of furniture?
Why were greeks the only students given the opportunity to obtain free or reduced-cost furniture?
The university may have received more interest and possibly more donations.
It’s great the university saved money in a time of financial uncertainty and greeks were given the chance to benefit.
However, maybe the Baker community as a whole should have been offered the chance to receive as well as give.