Harlaxton is more than just travelling and having an experience abroad. This semester has put me through the toughest course work thus far in my college career. The first thing we were told was that this was described as “education on steroids” and a truer statement was never spoken.
The classes I am taking may seem to be basic general education courses from the outside, but the professors teaching them are some of the highest in their fields and put a lot of pressure on the work we turn in.
A majority of students who attend Harlaxton College are honors students at their home universities and are expected to maintain this standard abroad. Although their course load is slightly upped because of their honors status, classes in general are still more difficult for everyone.
British Studies is a class that is required by all students attending the university. From the massive paper and three exams, to the presentations and quizzes throughout the semester, it puts pressure on you to do well. The professors who are grading these papers have been grading on these subjects for years, and we have to learn it in a matter of weeks.
It isn’t just the main class that is difficult. My low level science course is taught in a way that takes a lot of adjustment compared to what I am used to at Baker University. It involves reading a chapter and expecting a quiz the very next day. Besides summarizing what you learned during the last class period, you have to define major terms and say why they are significant to the subject for each one.
This followed by several exams and papers on important topics throughout the course can be overwhelming. I have never been the greatest at science-related topics and they often fail to peak my interest, but I was not expecting to struggle as much as I have in that one class.
The photography class I am taking is one of my most useful, but it is unlike a course I could have taken at Baker. The professor of this course focuses on photojournalism and taking a quality photo without doctoring. This means that flash is a forbidden element and the composition and lighting are at the forefront of the photo.
What I have learned from that class are ways to show subjects that convey a message and make a viewer want to understand what is going on or who that person is. This is critical in the journalism field and although my work may not have been stellar throughout, it didn’t matter because what I learned through it all will stay with me much longer.
I am not trying to scare anyone in their study abroad futures, but it is good to know that the classes you take abroad are high-quality classes taught by professors who thoroughly enjoy what they teach. I may struggle in a class, but I guarantee that when I leave, I will have learned much more than I expected.
From environmental issues to new ways to take photos, I have gained something out of my education this semester and I might know more about Britain’s history than its own citizens by the end of the course.