OWEN LEWIS – Student Senate President


College has its politics too, and Student Senate is the main functioning body for the students’ voice. Senate President Owen Lewis hopes that students will use him as a resource for anything they need to be successful at Baker.

“I’m not afraid of the dumb questions because I had the dumb questions when I was a freshman,” Lewis said. “To have someone who is in your corner like that makes a difference. I want everyone to know that BU is a family and everyone truly cares.”

As Student Senate President, Lewis’ job is to bring students’ concerns to the attention of the people who can make a change. He pointed out that Student Senate is the only entity completely and totally for the students’ voices to be heard, and promises that all concerns will be brought up at meetings.

“I can’t guarantee a change,” Lewis said, “but I appreciate the students putting trust in me to bring their concerns to light to the administration.”