ParMentors honor former BU first lady

Elegant and tasteful. These are just a few words friends and family would use to describe late Baker University first lady Carolyn Lambert.

On Sept. 29, a sugar maple tree was planted by parMentors in her honor near the Clarice L. Osborne Memorial Chapel.

“It was important to me that it be planted close (to) the chapel,” University Minister Ira DeSpain said. “I can’t walk through without thinking of her.”

Lambert, wife of former University President Dan Lambert, was instrumental in the decorating of the Chapel and reception area of the Collins House. She also founded the parMentors program 25 years ago.

“She passed away on July 17,” Amy Piersol, co-advisor for the parMentor program, said. “This is one of the main reasons we thought it was an appropriate time for the tree to be planted.”

More than 70 people attended the ceremony, including Dan Lambert and his family .

DeSpain also spoke at the ceremony, reflecting on the many memories he’s had with Lambert in the past and offering a prayer of dedication.

“She was a lovely person,” DeSpain said. “The university is richer and better because she was here.”

Lambert was made an honorary Baker alumna in 1990, and her funeral contributions were donated to the Dan and Carolyn Lambert Endowed Scholarship Fund.

Director of Health Services Ruth Sarna attended the tree planting ceremony and noticed the tree’s leaves are already beginning to change.

“(Lambert) loved Maple Leaf,” Sarna said. “I think it’s her speaking to us, saying she’s excited for this time of year.”