House director leaves lasting impression

Just as several Baker faculty and administrators recently announced their retirements, the Omicron chapter of Alpha Chi Omega sorority is saying goodbye to house director Kathleen Thomas.

Mom K, as Thomas is known to the women of Alpha Chi Omega, has worked for the chapter for 19 years and considers herself a true “Baldwinite,” having gone to Baldwin High School.

“Baker has always been sort of like family,” Thomas said. “It’s going to be happy and sad when I go.”

Claire White, junior and Alpha Chi Omega chapter president, has known Thomas for more than two years.

“Mom K is there for us whenever we need anything,” White said. “I’ll miss the comfort and familiarity.”

White believes Thomas had a positive influence on the chapter and will remember her dedication above anything else.

“I don’t think that we could ever say thank you enough for everything she has done for us,” White said. “We will miss her tremendously.”

Although freshman Megan Clark has only known Thomas for a semester, she has memories that will last much longer.

“She likes to teach us manners,” Clark said. “It’s funny at formal dinners when she teaches us proper etiquette.”

Clark and White both share the same favorite memory of Thomas. Just before winter break, Thomas dressed up and sang “Santa Baby” to the chapter members.

“It was a fun, silly thing to make us laugh one day during chapter meetings,” White said.

Both women believe Thomas made a lasting impression on them and the chapter. For White, Thomas’ support has been an important part of her relationship with the house director.

“She has been there for me through a lot of tough times,” White said. “She really has been a mom away from home.”

Many students made a lasting impact on Thomas as well and have made her grateful for her time at Baker.

“I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you,” Thomas said. “It’s been a wonderful experience and a lot of fun.”

Thomas plans to relax and enjoy herself following her retirement at the conclusion of the academic year.

“I’m planning to play a lot of golf once the weather gets nice,” Thomas said.

Thomas will divide her time between traveling to Texas to see family and relaxing on the golf course; however, she still plans to come back and visit in the future and intends to keep in touch with the chapter.