Taylor’s Top 10 – Things your mother shouldn’t do for you anymore

While we are all guilty of leaning a bit too much on our parents for help, most students are to the age now when we should be able to start taking care of ourselves. College is a time to gain independence and see what we are all made of, and it’s hard to do that when our mothers are constantly coddling and babying us. I’ve compiled a list of 10 things that I think we should all stop letting our moms do for us. And if that’s a little too unsettling right now, just pick one or two that you can do for yourself. So stop letting mom:

1. Pay for your gas.

If you can’t afford to be driving around all the time, then don’t feel like you need to ask your mom to pay for it. Be more responsible about the routes you take and whether you really need to drive to Lawrence for the $4 Pizza Shuttle deal (you sometimes do, by the way.)

2. Put money in your bank account.

Your mom shouldn’t even have access to your bank account. I know some of us are busy and can’t work to sustain ourselves (I have two jobs and it’s crazy), but there’s always extra time to make money. There are plenty of on-campus jobs that you can get to sustain your lavish lifestyle. And if you absolutely can’t find the time, it’s OK to ask for a little money now and then, but be respectful and use it for what you actually need.

3. Do your taxes.

Do you know how many online sites there are that can do your taxes for you? I would be willing to bet money that mom just puts all the information online for you anyway. She held you in her womb for nine months and then raised you for the rest; don’t you think she deserves a little bit of a break?

4. And on that note….FAFSA.

I’m guilty of this one, but I did look into it myself and it doesn’t look that hard. Again, it’s just a means of reading the directions and filling in all the boring information about you. It can’t be too hard, right?

5. Do your laundry.

I am not going to lie, when I first went to Kansas State University, I had to ask someone for help in the laundry room because I had never done my own laundry. But by now, I am 20 years old and only occasionally bleach a colored shirt. It’s the little things, my friend, that add up to driving your mom bonkers.

6. Pay for your health insurance.

While I totally understand parents paying for health insurance, with ObamaCare it might actually be cheaper for you to get off of their plan and make your own. You can still bill them for the price, but take a little initiative and help out on the bills.

7. Call you every night.

Yes, it’s nice to hear from your mom, but sometimes a little distance makes the heart grow fonder. Step away from the phone and text her later. She’ll be OK.

8. Have access to your social media.

That just seems wrong, right? But many people allow it just to please their parents. Take responsibility for yourself and tweet what you should, but don’t let her dictate what is said.

9. Email your professors.

No, no no no no. This isn’t high school and there aren’t parent-teacher conferences.

10. Tell you who to vote for.

While it’s nice to get opinions from your parents, your final vote shouldn’t be based around their choice. Take the time to do your own research and make a well-informed decision based on your personal beliefs.