BU revamps annual St. Jude fundraiser
Baker University’s annual letter-writing campaign for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will have a new look and a new name.
Monday: Leis and candy will be available in the Harter Union with information about upcoming events.
Tuesday: A portion of proceeds at El Patron restaurant in Baldwin City will go toward Party on the Lawn ‘Til Dawn and St. Jude.
Wednesday: Staff members can wear jeans for a donation to St. Jude. Students can pay $1 to “Pie a Professor” in the Harter Union.
Thursday: Sweet for St. Jude bake sale.
Friday: Students, faculty and staff can show support by wearing blue and yellow. Students can also take a picture with Wowzer and then post the photo to Instragram with #bakerlovesstjude to enter for a $15 gift card to the Kwik Shop.
Now to be known as Party on the Lawn ‘Til Dawn, the fundraising event will take place at 8:30 p.m. on April 11.
Participants previously addressed letters that encouraged recipients to donate money to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For a more cost-friendly event, participants will now submit addresses, which St. Jude will then prepare for the public. The celebration event will take place after addresses are submitted.
Senior Paige Queen, the event’s executive director, encourages students to ask questions and keep an eye out for more information throughout St. Jude Awareness Week March 24-28.
“We’ll talk about the event and how to register,” Queen said.
Junior Allison Arnold, the publicity chair, is responsible for spreading the word about the luau-themed event.
“There’s going to be games, music, food and entertainment,” Arnold said. “It’s all for a good cause.”
Junior Abbey Elsbernd, the moral chair for Party on the Lawn ‘til Dawn, has participated in the event in a different way every year. She was a team member as a freshman and was assistant director of the event as a sophomore.
“We’ve earned more than $13,000 in the past,” Elsbernd said. “It’s always a big event, and it’s always been a really good time.”
Elsbernd encouraged students to attend and have a great time.
“We really hope that we can get a good turnout this year,” she said. “We’ve been working really hard to ensure that people have a fantastic evening.”
Arnold also considers the program to be beneficial to students who attend.
“It’s a great feeling to know you’re helping children from St. Jude,” Arnold said. “Every donation helps researchers get closer to finding the cure for children with cancer.”
Students can sign up during lunch Monday-Friday or by emailing bu.poltd14@gmail.com. Registration is due on Friday.