‘Big Event’ shows community appreciation

Baker Serves’ annual day of service, the Big Event, offers students a chance to give back to the community.

“There are few events this massive to reach out and help everyone,” Laura Jacob, graduate assistant of Student Life, said. “It started as a way of saying thanks for the community’s support.”

Baker Serves President Bryan Richardson agreed.

“The community gives so much to the campus and makes so many things available to students and faculty,” Richardson said. “It’s really kind of a thanks and a service.”

The annual event will include a variety of different service opportunities for members of the community. Sites for service include the Baldwin City Library, a local farm, a local theater and other community projects. The morning of service will begin with registration at 8:30 a.m. on April 26.

Jacob also believes in the Big Event’s ability to help participants connect with others.

“You may feel the good day’s work, but it makes you feel awesome for making a difference in the community,” Jacob said.

The Big Event coordinator Caylea Siler also speaks highly of the event.

“There’s so much good being done in such a short period of time,” Siler said. “It’s a big community effort.”

Siler also thinks that participating in service like the Big Event can be good for the people who choose to participate.

“I think any volunteer work is beneficial to anybody that wants to do it,” Siler said. “It looks good on resumes to see you’ve spent time volunteering, and it’s really just a fun experience in general.”

Jacob agrees that the event is worth attending. She encourages students who have missed the deadline for registration to contact her for late signup. Students who attend the event will receive breakfast and a free T-shirt during registration.

“It’s really not to be missed,” Jacob said. “There’s even a competition for the number of participants.”