Ambassadors extend ministry outside chapel doors

Baker Ambassadors, a chosen group of students who applied to help lead campus ministry, meets twice a month on Sunday nights to help plan Thursday morning worship and special events. A campus-wide scavenger hunt, “Wildcat Worship” night and Wednesday morning prayers are among the chapel events scheduled for this month.

Sophomore Brittney Harmon is new to Baker Ambassadors this year. She enjoys helping plan the chapel events and said that the idea for the Wednesday morning prayers was sparked from a “See you at the Pole” event in which many ambassadors had participated in the past.

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On Wednesday, Oct. 8, the Minister to the University Reverend Kevin Hopkins helped lead the first morning prayer at the grape arbor. The Baker Ambassadors planned the morning prayer, and it went well according to Hopkins.

Hopkins says the morning prayers are to “jump-start the morning” and they will continue to take place at the arbor at 8 a.m. every Wednesday throughout the semester.

“If it’s 20 below it may be a quick prayer at the Arbor,” Hopkins joked.

The next event that the Baker Ambassadors have planned is a campus-wide scavenger hunt at 9 p.m. Thursday in Osborne Chapel.

At each stop during the hunt, participants will have to answer a question about the history of Baker correctly before they can move on to the next stop.

S’mores and hot apple cider will be served after the scavenger hunt.

Once a month, chapel hosts a “Wildcat Worship” night. Baker Ambassadors plans this night as an additional time for students to praise God throughout the week.

Hopkins said the turnout for the first Wildcat Worship was good, and he hopes it will continue throughout the year. The next Wildcat Worship will be at 9 p.m. on Oct. 29 in Osborne Chapel.

Senior Allie Davis likes the idea of an additional service during the week.

“I am really interested in going to the next evening worship. I missed the last one but it sounds really fun,” Davis said.

As for Thursday morning chapel services, Hopkins already has plans for many services from now until December.

The Baker Choir is scheduled to perform at Thursday’s service, which will be held at Baldwin First United Methodist Church. Homemade biscuits and gravy will be served afterward.

The Speech Choir is performing on Nov. 6, President Lynne Murray is speaking on Nov. 13 and Dec. 4 is the Christmas service with a candle-lighting ceremony.

Hopkins welcomes anyone to join him on Thursday morning chapel, and there is always a free lunch following the service.