How to beat the winter blues

It’s getting to that time in the semester when everyone is getting worn out and ready to be home for the holidays. Homework is stacking up, sleepless nights are spent in the library, winter is approaching, roommates are getting sick, and it feels like no one has time do to anything but study and focus on school. This is the time when students need to remember to take care of themselves. They’re away from home, which means they’re away from mom and dad.

Take care of yourself like your momma would. Here are a few things to do to survive the last weeks of school…

See the sun

Get outside and get some fresh air. Even if you are swamped with homework, take a few minutes, go on a walk, relax, and absorb some Vitamin D! It’s starting to get cold outside so we have to take advantage of the nice days we get, if we get them.


Although studying is important, so is sleep. Plan time out wisely so that all-nighters aren’t a daily occurrence. If a nap is a must, a 30-minute power nap is better than a 4-hour nap. You’ll wake up feeling more energized and you’ll still be able to fall asleep at night.

In sickness and health

You might love your roommates, but how much do you love them when you live in a tiny room together and they’re sick? Stock up on some Zicam to prevent getting sick. Get your flu shot. Like your mom always says, “Better safe than sorry.” Also, if you are feeling sick, go to the nurse. She doesn’t bite.

Work it out

Not all people are a fan of exercising, but staying healthy is important, especially around the last few months of school. Working out is a surprisingly good thing because it can help you not get sick. It can also be a huge stress reliever. In the famous words of Nike, “Just Do It.”

Do something fun

When was the last time you took a day to yourself? Don’t chain yourself to your room. Go out to dinner with friends. Ever heard of a Pumpkin Spice Latte? There are no aches or pains that a good massage can’t cure. Shopping is fun too. When was the last time you saw a good movie? Just getting out of your dorm or apartment to do something with friends is sometimes all you really need.