Professors present faculty string recital

Ellen Lind and Lisa Jackson, both music and string professors at Baker and performers in the Kansas City Symphony, tuned cello and violin to present a free faculty string recital in McKibbin Recital Hall.

The two faculty members were joined by University of Kansas senior Kyle Naig as they performed the works of three classical composers for the community on Sunday, Nov. 9.

Though Jackson and Lind both play with the KC Symphony, they had never been given the opportunity to perform together outside of the large group. The recital was their opportunity to do so.

“This is something we’re doing for fun,” Jackson said. “I think it will be helpful forKyle for applications for grad school, but Ellen and I wanted to perform together.”

The performance, split up into three parts, included violin and cello sonata duets with Naig accompanying each professor on the piano, before they came together to perform a piano trio.

Jackson played the violin during the performance and has been teaching high string instruments since 1991.

“I come from a musical family,” Jackson said. “My father’s a pianist, my older brother is a cellist and I have a sister who plays the violin professionally.”

Sophomore Allissa Houchin is a violin student of Jackson’s and works in the music department at Baker in a work-study position and was hired on as a stagehand for the performance at the faculty’s request. Houchin admits being up on stage turning pages was a bit nerve-wrecking, but overall enjoyed the performance. Her favorite part of the performance was seeing her professor up on stage.

“I look up to her as a role model,” Houchin said. “Even though I have lessons with her, I don’t get to hear her play. It was really inspirational to hear and see her perform.”

Houchin also enjoyed Lind’s demonstration of skill.

“Ellen’s intonation, or pitch, was perfect,” Houchin said. “We’re so blessed to have them here on campus.”

Another of Jackson’s students who attended the event was sophomore Amanda Conrade. She describes the event as “truly wonderful” overall and loved seeing the faculty members perform.

“It’s nice to know that our professors don’t just talk the talk, but can actually do what they’re telling us to do,” Conrade said. “It was a great example of what Baker has to offer and shows that these two professors really know what they’re talking about.”