Robyn Long to give Last Lecture

Psychology Professor Robyn Long will give her Last Lecture at 9 p.m. on Wednesday in Rice Auditorium.

Long is flattered to have been asked by the Student Activities Council to give her so-called “last” lecture. Each semester a faculty or staff member is selected from student nominations to speak for the Last Lecture series, which provides an informal format for speakers to share reflections from life’s journey and speak to students as if it were their last lecture ever.

It certainly will not be her final one, though, and she does not plan on retiring any time soon.

“I feel young to be giving a last lecture,” Long said.

Long will base her lecture off of her personal experiences. It is focused on how one risk leads to another, as well as her teaching style. As a professor, Long likes to tell stories and give examples from her own life. She has written her speech about many of the risks she has personally taken and how they have helped improve her life. She has chosen to talk about her own failures, instead of talking about people who impacted her as a person, which has been the usual structure of previous lectures in the series.

Students who have had Long in class are excited to attend her lecture. Freshman Kayleigh Stiff believes that Long will have everyone rolling in their seats and that it will not be boring.

“Because she is so bubbly, I feel like this [lecture] will be more bubbly,” Stiff said. “She makes everything so personal so it with be interesting to hear.”

Stiff likes Long’s teaching style because of the way she connects with students, which makes the material easier to learn. She also never passes up the opportunity to make a joke.

“I’m excited to see her more as just another person and not just as a scary professor who has my future in her hands,” freshman psychology major Olivia Allen said, laughing.

Allen likes how Long starts class everyday by taking a few deep breaths to take a moment to center her thoughts. Allen also enjoys that Long’s classes are discussion-based because she wants to hear everyone’s thoughts instead of simply lecturing.

“It is really lovely that students spend extra time with faculty and staff members outside of school [to attend the lecture],” Long said.