Spring fever is around the corner and the games will begin, leaving people with a damp sense of humor.
Starting April 4, the annual water war games will begin at Baker University.
The idea behind the game started five years ago from a group of students involved in Baker Ambassadors who did this sort of game in their high school. The idea of the game is to be the last person standing.
To begin the game, anyone who wants to be a player has to go to the basement of Osborne Chapel to get his or her picture taken by the secretary. After the initial step, participants wait until the first day to pick up an envelope from the chapel that contains instructions and a picture of the person to tag. To tag means to get them wet in some sort of way.
“You can get people wet in numerous ways,” University Minister Ira DeSpain said. “It can be from a water gun, a cup or even a water balloon.”
When participants tag someone, they will be given their envelope to advance on to get more people out of the game. Only when one person is left will the game be over.
The arena for the game is the two square blocks of campus. There is no water war outside those boundaries, such as sorority or fraternity houses.
”It’s a lot of fun when people take it somewhat seriously,” senior Christine Janssens said. “I think the funniest part is how some people walk around campus, like using Sixth, Eighth and Dearborn Streets, to get to class.”
Last year the game included 30 to 40 players, and this year, the Ambassadors are hoping to get even more by postponing the game an extra week.
“With postponing it a week, to let everyone get back in to the swing of the things after spring break, we are hoping to get around 100 people,” sophomore Steven Ruzzin said.
Students should be careful, for there is a lot of behind the scenes work to be the last man running.
“There is no educational or social redeeming values,” DeSpain said. “It is just for fun.”