Setting goals can lead to success

In the early weeks of the semester, students will be thinking about how they want the semester to go. The optimism of what is to come is all consuming. Many students will be making changes to improve grades or increase their social lives.

However, as the weeks go by, it becomes easier and easier to fall into old habits of skipping class, procrastinating on homework and staying out all night. These habitual behaviors will inevitably impact the semester. How can students avoid the pitfalls of bad habits to achieve the best semester possible?

The answer: Goal Setting

Easier said than done, but the best way to achieve hopes for a successful semester is to set real, defined goals. Here are some tips for setting goals from

Evaluate and Reflect on the past. Evaluate how the past semesters have been and reflect on what went well and what could have been better. Write these down as a reminder for future goals and as motivation.

Define Individual Dreams and Goals. Dig deep and think about what achievements matter the most. Think in terms of now and in the future. Write down goals in a prominent place as a reminder.

When it comes to setting actual goals, remember a few things. Make goals that are specific, things with definite and clear language that don’t allow for loopholes. Set goals that are attainable with the amount of effort that will actually be exerted as time goes by. Goals that are realistic and measurable will make them easier to achieve and will reinforce themselves.

Keep Accountability. Find someone (a roommate or close friend) to tell personal goals to. They will provide support and encouragement to keep on track.

With the help of these tips, goals will be set that are more achievable. These goals will improve the semester outcome now and in the future. Now is the time to set up the semester for success.