Baker students prepare for Polar Plunge

It’s time to find your inner polar bear for this year’s Polar Plunge.

The fundraiser to support Special Olympics programs takes place on Saturday, Feb. 20, in Naismith Hall at the University of Kansas.

For many, the fundraiser is a great way to give back and bring awareness to a worthwhile cause.

Junior Luke Miltz, who has been involved in the Polar Plunge since 2011, started a Baker team and since has inspired sorority member Amy Wysong to take Miltz’s place on the planning committee while Miltz is studying abroad in Spain this semester.

Although some of the sororities are participating and are contributing to sponsorship and recruitment, anyone can get involved in the fundraiser.

Whether you just want to donate, plunge individually or form a team, which is the typical way people participate, there is an opportunity for anyone.

As part of the registration process, participants create a page on the Special Olympics of Kansas website.The best way for plungers to promote their page and gain more funds is to share it through social media and email, which allows donors to give funds by debit or credit card. Cash and check are also payment options on the day of the event.

Plungers must raise $75 before they participate, and a toolkit is provided to assist participants in their fundraising efforts.

The proceeds will directly benefit the Special Olympics programs. Some of the money will go to the Kansas State Special Olympics office and some will go to the actual Olympic teams in support of purchasing equipment and other necessities for events and competitions.

On the day of the plunge, teams typically come dressed in costumes such as bear and penguin suits and prepare to jump into a cold pool of water.

You can register now online or on the day of the event. On-site registration starts at 10 a.m. on Feb. 20, and the big plunge will begin at noon.