How do students who are not athletes stay fit?


Jessica Lane.

Students who are not athletes on Baker University’s campus have found their own ways to stay in shape during their time spent in college. They have their a variety of reasons for working out and keeping themselves motivated. Freshman business and economics major Chris Oetken uses time after classes to work out with friends in the fitness center. Khadijah Lane

The popular spot for most students to work out on campus is the gym in Mabee. Many of the sports teams at Baker use this facility for early morning workouts or lifting sessions throughout the day, but each day there is time when the gym is empty for any student to use.

“I typically work out at the gym on campus or the gym back home when I’m there,” junior Sabrina Hornberger said.

Hornberger often goes to the gym by herself. It can be hard to find time that fits in a student’s schedule and matches with available time in another’s schedule to work out together.

“I sometimes take my friends to show them the gym and things they can do on their own,” junior Jessica Lane said. “My schedule is never consistent, so I have to find time just for myself to get to the gym, but I love taking friends.”

Sophomore Cooper Johns enjoys keeping a consistent workout schedule week to week. His regular workout schedule helps Johns stay on track with his workout plan that he started in January.

“I set a goal to make 10,000 steps a day using my Fitbit, and if I don’t make it to that goal I have a set of consequences for myself,” Johns said.

Johns started the goal with his dad, and they each plan to hold each other accountable for making those 10,000 steps every day. He does not have a favorite workout that assists him in reaching this goal each day but still enjoys knowing he is improving.

Students all have their own motivations for working out and staying fit. Those reasons range from staying in shape to using workouts as a source of stress relief. Lane also gets motivation from the various fitness accounts she follows on Instagram and Pinterest.

When asked what their workout goals were, students said they just wanted to improve on their fitness, gain muscle and always see positive results. Those positive results could be a faster running time or even increased weight lifted.

“A goal I have for myself is to never give up when it gets tough because I know over time it will only get easier,” Hornberger said.

There is not doubt that working out can be hard for everyone but there is always something about the challenge that people enjoy. This applies to students at Baker as well.

Hornberger enjoys they stress-relieving aspect once her workouts are complete. Johns and Lane both like working out for similar reasons. They enjoy knowing that they put their all into something.

“My favorite part about working out, and this is gross, is leaving the gym fully drenched in sweat,” Lane said. “I feel like if I didn’t run as hard or lift as much as I had hoped, that sweat at least represents hard work and that I am trying.”

There is no doubt that many students who are not athletes at Baker University enjoy working out just as much as the athletes do, but they have their own motivation for doing so.