Yes, I’m in a sorority and I work in fast food

Sorority women love fast food. As a sorority woman, I know first hand just how much my sisters and I love to eat. Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, McDonald’s – you name it, we love it. But most of the time people do not picture sorority women as the ones taking the orders at the fast food restaurant. That is where I break the sorority stereotype.

For over a year now I have worked at Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers, a fast-food restaurant in Lawrence. During the spring of my freshman year I started working there, and since then I have balanced being a trainer for new employees, being a full-time student at Baker and also being a member of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.

Balancing sorority life, college and a part-time job can be overwhelming at times, but I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities that each of them have provided me. All in all, I believe that my job in the fast-food industry has allowed me to experience things that only enhance who I am as a sorority woman and as an adult. I have learned how to be more patient, understanding and how to manage my time more efficiently. Freddy’s has also provided me the opportunity to work my way up and earn money to help me through college. Overall, I am thankful for the work ethic Freddy’s has helped me discover in myself.

But as much as Freddy’s is a part of my life, my sorority is also incredibly important to who I am. Through ZTA, I have gained confidence, leadership skills and lifelong friendships, just to name a few benefits. Even though some people may think that sorority women don’t belong in a fast-food restaurant, I am proud to say that Freddy’s and ZTA are where I belong at this point in my life.

So yes, I am a sorority woman and yes, I also work in the fast-food industry. As for my advice to other sorority women, do not limit yourself with all of the stereotypes we are labeled with. Break through those barriers by being yourself and working hard for what you want to achieve in life. For now, Freddy’s is providing me opportunities that will only enhance my future. After all, school involvement is good, but I believe that real-world experience through a job or internship can be even more beneficial to any future.