January 2017 list of travel interterms


Chad Phillips

Anna Wright feeds a pack of white-nosed coatis while in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, as part of Associate Professor of History Leonard Ortiz’s travel interterm. Ortiz will take another group there for a January 2016 travel interterm.

Interterm is a two-week period in January when students are encouraged to explore, be creative and enjoy a class that is outside of the box, and often outside of the classroom. Many students take advantage of travel opportunities because Baker’s interterms are like a shortened, cheaper alternative to studying abroad. Seven travel interterms have been approved for January 2017:



Minister to the University Kevin Hopkins is leading a mission trip to Thailand, where students will lead a Vacation Bible School for missionary children.

Cost: approximately $2,500 for 15 days.

Contact Kevin Hopkins ASAP because tickets will be ordered soon, [email protected]



Erin Morris, associate professor of biology, is taking students on a historical trip through London, Edinburgh and Cambridge, where they will visit museums and historical sites.

Cost: about $2,800 for 12 days.

Sign up: Spots are still available with a $250 deposit due Sept. 20.

Contact: [email protected].



Assistant Professor of International Studies Ryan Gibb is leading “Challenges in the Developing World” in Uganda.

Cost: $4,200 including transportation, lodging and most meals.

Sign up: The trip has four more open spots, but flights and hotels will be booked in September.

Contact: [email protected].



Professor of Psychology Rand Ziegler is taking students to scuba dive off of the island of Utila. His group will be diving three times a day and they will also have two night dives during their trip. Dive training for new divers will be held during the first couple of days of the trip.

Cost: between $2,500 and $2,999, includes all meals. Ziegler is still negotiating the final price.

Sign up: There is limited space available.

Contact: [email protected].



Associate Professor of History Leonard Ortiz is leading his sixth “Yucatan Encounter.” Students will explore Mexico’s cultural, archaeological and environmental wonders.

Cost: $2,600, all-inclusive.

Sign up: The 2017 Yucatan trip is currently full, but Ortiz plans on hosting another trip in 2018.



Professor of Business and Economics Alan Grant and Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Martha Harris are taking students to discover the history and culture of Hawaii.

Cost: $1,700 to $1,800 for nine days.

Sign up: This trip is currently full, but if any students drop out, their spots will be available to other students.



Erin Holt, assistant professor of exercise science, is taking students to geocache on the island of Oahu. Holt’s trip and Grant and Harris’ trip will be on the same island and during the same days, so they will meet together at certain times. Holt and her students will also visit the Polynesian Cultural Center and Pearl Harbor.

Cost: about $1,800 for nine days.

Sign up: 15 spots are still available.

Contact: [email protected].