Baker Greeks welcome a new adviser
Sophomore Emily Riggs speaks with Assistant Director of Student Life Josh Doak at Alpha Chi Omega sorority’s Muffins and Mentors event on Oct. 7. Doak is the new advisor for fraternity and sorority life. Image by Lexi Loya.
Along with the 119 new sorority and fraternity members on campus, BU has a new adviser for fraternity and sorority life. Assistant Director of Student Life Josh Doak advises the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic and Student Senate. He also helps direct community growth.
Doak knew Director of Student Life Randy Flowers before coming to Baker, which helped him learn about the job. He believes that the school and town are the perfect size.
Since he was a member of a fraternity in college, he is not foreign to Greek life. Doak is originally from California but got his undergraduate degree at Fort Hays State University. Flowers confirmed that since 2008 Doak is the first full-time employee in his position not to be a Baker graduate.
Baker Serves President Maddy Lutz said Doak is well qualified and motivated to progress Baker’s programs.
“He is going the extra mile for us and has a different way of thinking,” said Lutz. “You can tell he really cares about Baker.”
Since Doak works with several organizations, he sometimes feels tied down with day-to-day issues with these groups.
“That is the hardest part of my job,” Doak said, “not being able to push forward and lead the students because I have (day-to-day) issues to resolve.”
Doak noted the differences between the two types of Greek life. Sororities are governed by Panhellenic, while fraternities choose their own rules. Fraternities differ in each and every house. Sororities have a more structured and detailed guideline for the houses.
“Josh is a very good communicator. He is great at accepting and giving feedback,” Delta Delta Delta President Michaela Jamison said. “He has been very open and available, especially during recruitment. He understands that we have other commitments and is extremely flexible when scheduling meetings.”
Both Jamison and Lutz agree that they have had positive experiences with Doak so far. Jamison said he has been very helpful to her sorority and she is looking forward to seeing the relationship between Doak and the sorority grow.
One of Lutz’s favorite qualities about Doak is that he allows the members to make Baker Serves their own, especially since it is supposed to be a student-led organization.
Doak has started working on his doctoral degree through Baker University, so he plans to be on campus at least for the next few years to see students grow from freshmen to seniors and to watch them become alumni.
“Everyone does different things at Baker,” Doak said. “I’m excited to watch them grow into men and women whiling working with them in those activities.”
Doak realizes that he is still a new face on campus but hopes that more students will start to recognize his name.
His office is in the basement of the Long Student Center, next to Randy Flowers.