Last time we checked Baker and its brochures, it prided itself on small class sizes, but as many students came to find out, Monday was a different case.
When administrators were deciding to cut down on classes being offered, not much thought went into class overcrowding. As a result of fewer classes, classrooms are being filled to the brim with students who still need those hours.
What happened to the promises Baker made to us when we enrolled?
The size of Baker was a determining factor in choosing a college for many of us, and some classes are overfilled, which is definitely not what I signed up for.
The nice thing about Baker is having an intimate feeling. It’s nice to have the feeling that you know all of your classmates and that your instructors know you, but if Baker continues to head in the direction it’s going, those feelings will soon fade away.
It seems like Baker is just continuing to try and cram as much stuff as possible into little spaces. We first experienced this with parking, which is still going on. What’s with the giant dumpsters behind Denious Hall, by the way? Hint, now there’s even less parking.
And, now here we are sacrificing our small class sizes so Baker can save a little money and ditch some classes.
Let’s talk about Collins Center for a moment and how unbelievably crowded it’s been in there for our athletes. Multiple sports are sharing that small building for practice and let me tell you, we’re sure that looked real nice to the tour group that was walking through.
Baker just needs to rethink some situations and review the promises it made to us at enrollment. If you’re not going to change the problems we’re having to deal with, at least change the brochure.