Randy Flowers receives award for student life activities


Image courtesy of Randy Flowers.

During the annual National Association for Campus Activities Central Conference, Director of Student Life Randy Flowers wore a pink bunny costume to inspire the audience.

“People could pay to put others in a costume to help raise money for the NACA foundation,” Flowers said. “I chaired the conference, so I put the costume on to try and get the energy going.”

Leadership ideas like this may be what helped Flowers win the Markley Award.

“The Markley Award goes to a professional that’s been in the field for at least five years and has given significant contributions to the student activities field,” Flowers said. “It is the highest level award possible for a student affairs professional.”

Flowers had no idea that he was going to receive the award until the announcement when he heard a description of the winner being from “a small school,” which gave it away.

At the same conference, which was held in Arlington, Texas, from Oct. 20 to 23, Baker’s Student Activities Council also won two marketing awards. One was for non-poster publicity and the other was for social media marketing.

“Non-poster publicity involved a door hanger that we made last year for Springfest with all of the events on it,” Flowers said.

With all of these awards, students who plan Student Activities Council events hope to keep getting stronger and be able to book talent that will be enjoyable for all students.

“Student Activities Council brings all of the fun things to campus to keep students entertained,” junior Brittany Crittenden said.

Freshman Sydney Boggess said that the main point of the trip was to “bring talent back to Baker.” She went on the trip for the experience and to gain some insight into what a leadership role in Student Activities Council is like.

“We booked our whole spring semester with NACA,” Flowers said. “We will have some well recognized people.”

The schedule will include performers from America’s Got Talent and Last Comic Standing.