#Blessed: being thankful for Baker


In honor of Thanksgiving break next week, or maybe in honor of my quarter-life crisis due to impending graduation, it is time to appreciate all of the things we are grateful for here at Baker. We all chose to go to this tiny school in the middle of nowhere, and even though we sometimes complain, we made that choice for some very good reasons.

The best part of Baker is the people. The faculty and leadership of our university are caring, down to earth, and impactful to each of our lives. Dr. Murray listened when we complained about our fitness center and then got donations to improve it. Former Professor Lee Green still emails past students to keep up with their lives and check in. Workers in the coffee shop, grounds crew, and bookstore never let students pass by without providing a smile and a kind greeting.

The students are incredible as well. Each week, news spreads about someone on campus who accomplished something amazing. Luke Miltz landed an internship with Tri Delta international office. Rosie Hollis is arriving home from her semester in New Zealand. Logan Brettell and Clarence Clark both broke school records for the football team this season. We are all a family here, and the joy we have for our peers can be contagious and uplifting.

The next best part of Baker is the campus. Where else is there a school that is also a certified arboretum? It is hard to walk to class and not feel grateful when the sun is shining through the trees and the beautifully old buildings surround you. Every time I step into Mabee Memorial Hall I breathe in the smell (chlorine/gym/whatever) and take in my favorite place on campus.

Next benefit: We have opportunities at this point in our lives that we will never have again once we graduate. Never again will we receive breaks in our lives equivalent to the time that we get off for fall break, Thanksgiving, winter break, spring break, and summer break. This is before even mentioning interterm in January.

We also have a chance to study abroad with scholarships that other schools do not provide. Every summer students are able to intern and try different jobs to see what they are searching for after graduation. The possibilities for travel and experiences are endless.

Our athletics and extra-curricular activities bring new dimensions into our lives that we will struggle to replace after college. Students develop friendships, relationships, and leadership skills through their activities outside of the classroom and most importantly have a release from the monotony of school. I get sentimental thinking of the coming days when I will not have the ability to walk around my sorority and talk to friends on Sunday nights or sit in my choir class every week and just enjoy singing.

I know that it is easy to complain about the price of tuition, weeks with too much homework, overcommitted friends, and the constant lack of sleep that comes with college life. However, if we take the time to step back and realize that this little place is only a short, fleeting part of our lives, it can change the way you see things and your attitude about our place in life.

Happy Thanksgiving.