Modern obsessions: What’s your guilty pleasure?
Image by Elizabeth Hanson.
A college is a place for building character, discovering passions and … developing addictions? Besides classes and studies, most students at Baker could come up with a list of habits and hobbies, such as the time they spend cooking, playing video games or driving to a favorite restaurant.
However, how many of these hobbies and habits have become such an integral part of their routines that they can’t imagine life without them? At what point does the choice to Netflix binge on Shameless instead of working on a three-page paper due the next day become an uncontrollable behavior? At what point does one lose the ability to say no to a Pizza Shuttle run, even if it is 11 p.m. on a Thursday?
For example, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies Kimberly Schaefer admits her inability to drive past Trader Joe’s.
“I love it there,” she said. “It is such a welcoming place.”
She even admitted to taking several of the free kids’ stickers, her favorite being the one that says, “My heart belongs to Trader Joe’s.”
Food seemed to be a common theme of Baker employee and student addictions. From cheese to candy, there are just some delicacies they just can’t seem to quit, no matter how much money or extra calories these addictions cost. Walking away from the beckoning smell of the giant chocolate chip cookies at Goodcents is just not possible for some people.
Senior Parks Boeschen said he’s trying to kick his chocolate addiction, but he doesn’t see the limitation lasting very long.
Some students even drive hours a week to feed their addiction, going to Lawrence multiple times a week for Chick-fil-A fries or a cinnamon crunch bagel from Panera.
Sophomore Caitlin Hardgrove commutes to Lawrence at least once a week to indulge in the cream cheese and garlic in special pizza from Pizza Shuttle.
She said if she ever gets stressed she will make the drive to the Pizza Shuttle and forget her worries.
Drinking a cup of coffee is a routine part of many college students’ day; however, some take it to an extreme.
Senior Adam Downing said he drinks on average of eight cups of coffee throughout the day.
“I drink three cups before class in the morning,” Downing said. “I think I’d die without it.”
Binge-watching television shows were by far the most common form of addiction among Baker students and employees. Favorite shows range from light-hearted comedies to criminality and deviance.
Junior Kyndall Wyndall said she has been watching Law and Order SVU<em>Law and Order SVU</em> since she was a little kid and still watches it every time it comes on television. since she was a little kid and still watches it every time it comes on television. Law and Order SVU since she was a little kid and still watches it every time it comes on television.
Sophomore Devin Price watched all 11 seasons of Criminal Minds on Netflix.
Then there are those who say their addiction coincides with their sports and hobbies. For example, junior Tyler Brown said his sport turned into a full-blown addiction as he wrestles six months out of the year.
“It’s constant energy and discipline 24/7 for half a year every year,” Brown said.
Sophomore Max Baum spoke similarly about his sport, saying he can’t go more than a few days without watching or playing soccer.
“I would probably go a little crazy without it,” Baum said.

Elizabeth is a senior from Leawood. She is a public relations and spanish double-major and has a minor in english. Elizabeth is involved in Delta Delta...