Oh my, another year at Baker has started and I’m still feeling the effects of the last one.
Now I'm breaking in a sweet suite Josh Morgan style and living it up in the LLC! <br/>I've seen a lot of articles in the paper about this newest addition to our fine campus, but I must say that I don't think any of them have really captured the essence of the new building.I've seen a lot of articles in the paper about this newest addition to our fine campus, but I must say that I don't think any of them have really captured the essence of the new building.
I’ve seen a lot of articles in the paper about this newest addition to our fine campus, but I must say that I don’t think any of them have really captured the essence of the new building.
If I had to reveal what I thought the essence of this new building is, I would liken it to some sort of ritual. I think the contractors went and saw “The Dark Knight” and bottled up the awesome that the movie contained. They then did a little dance and shook out the awesome onto the building and somehow gave it a spirit of incredibility.
To be completely honest, that previous paper was simply space filler with some weird analogy that I think vaguely fit the topic at hand.
However, I really do enjoy living in the new building (which I really wish would get renamed). I like the way the rooms are set up; I’m living in a four-bedroom suite, which, in my opinion, is the best setup available. It’s been a while since I’ve lived with roommates, but I’m enjoying it; it adds variety to my life and gives me access to more free stuff.
To be fair, it’s not all fun and games in the building; regardless of how many times the resident assistants have visited my room. The first week with everyone here was kind of crazy due to the 15 fire alarms that went off. I was impressed at the general attitude toward it. There was complaining, sure, but almost everyone got out every time, even for the 3:30 a.m. false alarm. I think the senior RA may be on a first-name basis with some of the Baldwin City firefighters. The problem seems to have mostly been rectified, but only time will tell. Or an actual fire.
There are only a couple other problems I have with the building. One is the fact that you can only enter through the front door. It’s a huge building; it would be really nice to be able to have access from the courtyard, instead of walking all the way around the building. Especially for us lazy folk.
The sinks are weird too. I don’t see the reasoning of not having sinks in the bathrooms. I’m no designer, but I feel pretty certain that there’s room. I’ve always viewed sinks as a pretty integral part of a restroom, but far be it from me to question why people make decisions…ladies. I jest.
I think it will be interesting to see how the building looks after a year of student use. Right now, I’d say it looks better than any of the other residence halls, but will it still look so pristine after a year or 10? There are regulations in place to try to keep the residence hall looking fresh, but already trash has built up in some of the halls. Mostly just scraps of paper, but I did have to vanquish a R.O.U.S. hiding in a cave.
Honestly, I don’t really have any huge beefs (mostly because pets aren’t allowed…get it?) with the building. I wish I did; I love a good rant, but I just don’t have it in me. I’m too content at the moment, hence the really bad jokes.
I guess we’ll have to see what the next few weeks hold. Hopefully I’ll have something to be angry about soon, I’d hate to lose my touch.