Baker University Collins Library will be without one of it’s familiar faces when the fall term begins as Jan Boyd, the technical services librarian, plans to retire after 30 years of service to the community.
Boyd, who is married to professor of biology Roger Boyd, said she has worked for Baker since 1976.
“We met when we were students at Baker,” she said. “We married, and he worked on his Ph.D. Then we came here.”
Boyd said her decision to retire was triggered partly by her husband’s decision to switch from full-time to part-time teaching last year.
“He retired to part-time teaching last year, and I thought 30 years was just a good, round number to leave at,” she said.
She said her co-workers have been very supportive of her decision to retire.
“They were surprised because I’m not 65, but they all wished me well and were maybe a little jealous,” she said.
Director of Library Services Kay Bradt also began work at the library in 1976.
“In a purely selfish way, I’m going to miss her a lot,” Bradt said. “It’s going to be different coming to work without her here. She’s so steady and level-headed.”
Boyd said what she will miss most about Baker is the students.
“I like the college age,” she said. “They keep me young.”
Sophomore Joanna Schafer said she works in the library as a student aid and has worked closely with Boyd.
“I’m going to nursing school, so I was going to miss her anyway, but I hope she has a really great retirement. She deserves it,” Schafer said. “She’s made my days at the library really great.”
Bradt said Boyd does more than just work in the library.
“She is very much concerned with students and their personal lives. That’s one of the things that keeps students coming back to see her,” Bradt said. “She’s such a warm person, when alumni come back, they drop by the library to see her. That kind of warmth is something we will miss, it can’t be replaced. That’s who she is.”