Houser named new athletic director

Lily Stephens

Head mens soccer coach Nate Houser oversees a Baker 2-0 win against Johnson County Community College in a scrimmage Aug. 12.

President Lynne Murray recently announced the departure of Theresa Yetmar as the Director of Athletics for Baker University.

“Theresa Yetmar Grosbach has tendered her resignation and will be working with the administration for the rest of the month to ensure a smooth transition,” Murray said in her official university announcement. “We are grateful for her service to Baker and wish her well in her future endeavors.”

Yetmar was introduced as the director of athletics at the beginning of 2009, after having served as the associate athletic director and assistant director of athletics at Baker for the six years prior.

“She was just an upbeat, optimistic personality to have around,” senior quarterback Logan Brettell said. “She was the leader of the Baker Department of Athletics, but I believe she was simultaneously our biggest fan.”

During her tenure, the Baker athletics program experienced many successes, along with many other awards on and off the field.

“I always saw her as a big supporter of Baker Athletics,” junior Olivia Brees said. “She was always at games and in the crowds cheering our teams on, in every sport it seemed.”

Though she could not recollect any personal interactions with Yetmar, Brees, a multi-sport athlete in volleyball and softball, was quick to note the positivity that Yetmar brought to the department of athletics.

President Murray later disclosed in a separate announcement that Nate Houser, head men’s soccer coach for Baker, would serve as the new athletic director and senior advisor to the President for Athletics.

“Nate has been an influential leader on campus and within the Kansas City area for many years,” she said in the official announcement. “Nate has demonstrated exceptional leadership at Baker University and I am delighted he has accepted this new role for Baker. I look forward to working closely with him to continue the culture of excellence in athletics Baker has demonstrated for decades.”

Houser has experienced much success during his time as the head coach of the men’s soccer team, including top 10 rankings in seven of his eight years. In 2011, Houser became the “first coach in the conference and region to win both the women’s and men’s award in the same season” for coach of the year, according to the Baker Athletics website.

“Ms. Yetmar has been the Athletic Director since I’ve been at Baker, so things might be different at first,” Brettell said. “But Nate Houser is a great leader and has worn the Baker name proudly for years. I’m happy that we’ve decided to promote from within, to ensure that our most treasured Baker standards will remain intact.”

Before departing the university, Yetmar will assist Houser throughout the month of August, to “ensure a successful transition of responsibilities.” Houser will additionally continue in his position as the head coach of the men’s soccer team for the 2017-2018 academic year.