Paul Ladipo aims for inclusion


Justin Toumberlin

Coordinator of Inclusion and Wellness Education, Paul Ladipo, steps in the position with ideas in mind. Ladipo hopes to improve inclusion on Baker’s campus.

This past July, Paul Ladipo accepted the role of coordinator of inclusion and wellness education for the university. He now works to offer training and oversee diversity and inclusion.

Ladipo completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri where he attained a bachelor’s degree in biology and then received his master’s degree in higher education administration from the University of Kansas.

Before coming to Baker, Ladipo spent more than a year at the Willow Domestic Violence Center in Lawrence, where he played a role in making the organization more culturally aware. This followed his time as an academic adviser at the University of Kansas.

“I wanted to do something more with social justice, so I applied for a job at the Willow,” he said. “Then, when I heard about the job at Baker, I applied.”

Ladipo’s wish to work in the field of social justice stems from his own personal beliefs, which he wants to impart on the world.

“I fundamentally want to see everyone treated with respect,” Ladipo said. “I like to include other people and I like it when I’m included. I don’t really like it when other people are marginalized for things that aren’t their fault. I want people to be included and respected for who they are.”

With this new position, Ladipo gets to realize this wish. Along with answering emails and scheduling meetings, he regularly meets with on-campus clubs including Baker Rallies Against Violence (BRāV) and leads diversity training for the residence life staff.

“Paul is able to bring real-world examples into training, and the way he teaches allows our residence staff to have a better understanding of things,” junior Lela Hautau, the senior resident assistant in Irwin Hall, said.

In addition to organizing these advising and training sessions, Ladipo also teaches a section of freshmen Salon this fall.

“I enjoy teaching, and as soon as I found out about the teaching opportunity, I thought, ‘why not impart some wisdom and help out in any way I can,’” he said.

Freshman Morgan Toothaker believes that Ladipo made the right choice in deciding to teach.

“He’s really chill when we talk about things in class and he can make talking about an uncomfortable topic not as uncomfortable,” Toothaker said.

Overall, Ladipo is adjusting well to Baker and enjoys the community aspect.

“Baker is all about community,” Ladipo said. “When I leave here, I really want to be remembered as someone who helped push that aspect with inclusion.”