Semester welcomes new professors to campus


Alex Fortuna

Director of the Baker Wetlands and Associate Professor of Biology Irene is one of the new professors welcomed to campus this semester.

This semester Baker welcomed five new professors to campus in the theater department, biology, mass media, in the Dean’s office and at the Baker Wetlands.

Emily Kasprzak, a new professor in the Theatre Department will be leading classes about acting, costuming, directing and movement. Kasprzak said she likes Baker’s smaller campus size and that she feels she will be able to get to know each of her students better due to the smaller class sizes.

Irene Unger is the new director of the Baker Wetlands and will teach a few biology courses as well. The Wetlands encompass 927 acres of wildlife, and Unger said they are what brought her to Baker.

“It is a pretty special place and I wanted very much to play a role in its future growth as a natural laboratory for Baker students,” Unger said.

Unger is also leading a study abroad interterm this year to the Galapagos Islands, something she said she is very excited about.

Christa Manton is joining Baker’s staff as an Assistant Professor of Biology. Her expertise is in molecular and cellular biology. She said she values smaller campuses that have excellent community and scholarship.

“The Baker community has been incredibly welcoming and friendly. As a scientist, I love that Baker gives me opportunities to do research with students,” Manton said. “I’m also excited about getting to lead classes in the Quest program that focus on how we can become more informed about science in the world and how it impacts us.”

Dean Richards is a new faculty member in the Graduate School of Education as an Assistant Professor of Education.

“I came to Baker because I am passionate about education and felt I could make a bigger impact with students in a place with a strong sense of community and sincere commitments to educational excellence,” Richards said. “I look forward to getting to know my students and colleagues better, bringing my family to university and local events, continuing to grow as a teacher and researcher and enjoying the great places to eat within walking distance of my office.”

Anna Christiansen-Bullers will be joining the mass media department as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Mass Media. Christiansen-Bullers teaches Digital Media, Writing for Mass Media and is the new adviser for The Baker Orange this semester.