The men of Baker University’s newest fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, are taking steps to receive their official colonization and recognition on campus.
The colonization ceremony was originally scheduled for April 30, but the group was forced to reschedule because of a lack of alumni being able to attend.
Director of Greek Life Bryan VanOsdale said the fraternity hopes to reschedule the ceremony before the end of this semester.
“We are looking at possibly doing it during finals week,” he said. “It should happen within the next couple weeks.”
Johnathan Talcott, international leadership consultant for the fraternity, came from Ohio to visit the Baker chapter a couple of weeks ago, and he’s back now to help the men try to recruit more members.
“Right now, the Baker men are what is called an interest group,” he said. “There are about 15 guys now, but we are hoping to increase that number.”
The men in the Phi Delta Theta interest group are working toward receiving official recognition as a chapter. To do so, they must meet grade-point average and community service requirements. They will also be required to identify a philanthropic project.
VanOsdale said the group is fitting in well with the other greek organizations on campus.
“These guys realize that in order to fit in, they need to follow tradition and do what others are doing. They have participated in Greek Week, held mixers and are reaching out to other groups.”
Freshman Amy Olbert said having more options for greek life is positive on campus.
“It can’t hurt to have more people involved,” she said. “It helps people get into more groups and find places they want to be.”