Democratic Primary sparks student opinion


Justin Toumberlin

The Democratic primary continues with Bernie Sanders leading the pact. Sanders sits at 45 delegates, ahead of Pete Buttigieg with 25.

The race for the Democratic Party’s Nomination for the 2020 Presidential Election will be almost over by the time Kansans have the chance to cast their ballots. Most of the delegates would have been selected and the field will have narrowed even further.

But, even with the later date of the primaries in Kansas, people are already contemplating the state of politics for the Democratic Party and who will be left standing. As things stand now, Senator Bernie Sanders (VT-I) is leading in the number of delegates who have pledged to vote for him at the national convention for the Democratic Party. However, while this prospect is frightening to many moderate voters and established Democratic party members, students seem to favor a progressive candidate to win the nomination.

Micayla Houser, freshman, believes that Bernie Sanders will be the party’s official nominee.

“I think that the person making the most waves right now is Sanders. I think people assume he is some sort of socialist or something like that, but I also think he represents a lot of younger people and what they want for the country, economically at least,” Houser said.

However, not all younger people aspire Sanders to be the progressive nominee they want.

William Clark, sophomore, believes Warren is the right candidate for the Democratic Party. However, he does see why Sanders is appealing.

“I think that there is a lot of younger people who prefer Sanders and he has a lot of momentum from the last election,” Clark said.

However, some people don’t base their choice on what happens in the early stages of an election.

“As a registered independent, I use this time to consider which candidates I support,” Junior Zac DeGreeff said.

He thinks that a lot of younger people do not pay attention to what happens in the primaries.

“I think it’s a troubling sign that I don’t see any public discussion about the election in people my age,” DeGreeff said, “I heard some professors talking about politics in the lunchroom recently and it made me want to know what others my age think about the upcoming election.”

DeGreeff believes that the younger generation will play a pivotal role in choosing the next president.

Houser thinks that the last election was generating more talk among young adults. She believes that the Democratic party is more concerned about getting Trump out of office as opposed to more traditional issues, and that the constant rhetoric of removing Trump has caused younger voters to lose interest in what politicians have to say.

Clark agrees that people are not paying attention to the primaries and he believes its because of how the primaries are organized.

“It’s a mess. I think that there were way too many candidates when it began and now people are tired of it and that’s a problem. There was so much going on in the beginning that people were overwhelmed,” Clark said.

He believes the length of the primary process renders the later votes useless.

“I think that by the Kansas primary it’s going to be over already and that they will already know whose going to win,” Clark said.

Clark thinks that the United States could benefit from a better system of deciding the nominees.

“I know that there are many European countries that have a set number of weeks for their election and that is that,” Clark said, “we could personally benefit from something like that.”

By the time Kansans vote in the Democratic Primary, the candidates for president will all but be selected. And while some are frustrated by this fact, others will still get their way.