Randy Flowers departs Baker University

Josephine Moore

Randy Flowers standing in front of only a few of many awards he has been given during his time at Baker University.

Dr. Randy Flowers has become a well-known name at Baker University. After almost 10 years of serving as the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Student Life at the university, Flowers decided he needed a new challenge.

Starting in April, Flowers will be working outside of higher education for a rapidly growing appraisal company by the name of RSDS LLC. Remaining somewhat in the realm of education, Flowers will be in charge of developing and leading future appraisers.

“Step one is for me to become certified [in appraising], so I understand what it is, but then two, to start expanding educational processes and systems to support the future workforce of appraisers with the goal of developing over 500 appraisers making over $150,000 every year across the nation,” Flowers stated.

This role will entail streamlining the business and finding ways to scale the educational components across the nation as it continues to grow. “[RSDS LLC] started with the Kansas City office, they expended with Phoenix recently, with the intentions of LA by the end of the year,” Flowers said.

In his current role, Flowers has worked closely with Dean of Students Cassy Bailey and has enjoyed that experience.

“I had the best supervisor in the world, so there are a lot of amazing things that I’m leaving and that’s been the hardest part,” Flowers said. “I feel like they welcomed me and embraced me for these 10 years and allowed me to make decisions and lead in a way that I think transforms the student experience.”

Bailey reflects on the past years having worked closely with Flowers and will miss his presence at Baker University.

“We are going to feel the void of him for years to come. He has elevated Baker in the world of student life to a place we would have never been without him.” Bailey said.

As the staff member in charge of Student Activities Council (SAC), Flowers has had a hand in developing programs that students know and love.

The many programs include the tunnel of oppression, iLead and the Last Lecture series which has just celebrated its 20th lecture. Teaching students what it means to leave behind a legacy and helping them find what kind of legacy they want to leave has been a large goal for Flowers.

He hopes to have left behind a couple of legacies for the community to remember him by. The first one involves the array of programming that did not exist before his arrival. The second is his part in the transformation of the way education exists outside of the classroom.

“Through student activities, we’re not just putting on events. We’re teaching students skills that prepare them for future careers and I’m hoping that we have done that and accomplish that for students to start realizing that their legacy is bigger than I’ve ever imagined,” Flowers said.

Flowers prides himself on having such an impact on the student body over any award he has won.

“I know I’ve won a lot of awards and things like that, but that’s just things on the shelf,” Flowers said. “I think it’s the impacts that are going to be on the students and what they’re going to go on to do in their lives that means more to me.”

Students alike have seen the character of Flowers over the years and are interested to see the role be carried out in the future.
Senior Johnny Lee has worked closely with Flowers through SAC and Orientation Leader positions and best describes him as impactful, funny and an achiever.

“I think it’s going to be hard for the environmental shift, but I know that Randy has been working hard on getting stuff ready through August for this next person and so I think adjusting to what is actually on the new person’s plate will be the hardest shift,” Lee said.

Bailey explained that the process of redesigning the position will help the new hire become better integrated into the role and come in with a fresh start.

“One thing I recognized pretty quickly was that I wasn’t going to be able to find a person like Randy,” Bailey said. “What I decided to do instead is kind of redesign to position all together so there would not be this comparison.”

The new role will solely be a director of student life rather than an assistant dean of students position.

Although Flowers mentioned the Baker community is what he will miss the most, he is looking forward to this new opportunity in the world of home appraisal education.