Period party tabling held to de-stigmatize periods
Freshman Alexsandra Bonilla receives a red velvet cupcake from sophomore Nguyen Nicholson. Students were able to participate in the period party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Student Activities Council at Baker University hosted a “Period Party” on Oct. 3. The tabling event was created in order to spread awareness and to bring normalcy to menstruation.
The motive for this event was to make menstruation a comfortable topic for both men and women to understand. Baker students conversed with one another, discussing the issues around periods. Red-themed cupcakes and Kool Aid were provided by SAC members, with the cupcakes being the most popular. Free pads and tampons were also available at the tabling event.
SAC President Ashley Daub gave her input on the reason why the council decided to host this event.
“We wanted to really break the stigma centered around periods,” Daub said. “Some people think it’s weird to talk about. It just needs to be normalized.”
Other members of SAC explained the idea of normalizing menstruation and why it is important to allow Baker women to become comfortable with having period-like conversations amongst the rest of their peers.
SAC has hosted various other tabling events in the past distributing personal items. These events included handing out condoms, tooth brushes and hand sanitizer. Students at Baker have the chance to gather any items they would need through out the day, all while interacting with these organizations and members. This helps discuss the importance of having access to basic utilities and the normalcy being developed around it.
Other campus organizations like SAC have made similar efforts in the hosting events for the student body that relate to the progression, health, and safety for those attending Baker.

Colbie is a Senior at Baker. She is majoring in mass media, working towards becoming a photojournalist and is also a member of the women’s track and...