Meeting NotesTuesday
A Guitar Hero tournament sponsored by Student Activities Council will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Harter Union.
Student senate election results were approved as: Kim Kilmartin, president; Allyssa King, vice president; Jacinta Deruso, treasurer; Scot Rogers, secretary; Rebecca Fraley, public relations.
Student senate approved a motion to donate $100 toward greek week awards. Among the awards are new member of the year and senior of the year.
Wes Mikel announced a dodgeball tournament fundraiser to be held from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. May 7 in Collins Center. The entry fee is $50 per team with six members to a team, and there is a $2 entry fee to watch. A $100 cash prize will be awarded to the winning team. The tournament will raise funds to go toward the Habitat for Humanity project for BU@150.
The Zeta Phi Beta sorority is selling tickets to its Blue and White Ball. The cost is $12 for couples and $10 for singles. Greeks will be given a discount rate of $10 for couples and $8 for singles.