Meeting Notes
Feb 20, 2007
Dean of Students John Frazier is working with Vice President for Financial Services Jo Adams to form focus groups for the new residence hall project. Information gathered from the focus groups needs to be compiled before a meeting in May in order to open the new hall in 2008. It is not yet determined where the new residence hall will be or how many beds it will hold.
Tuition will see a 6.8 percent increase. The increase will go toward bringing in new faculty next year, keeping Baker’s salary competitive and maintenance of Baker’s facilities.
The new science building will be powered by Green Energy, which would increase the building’s energy efficiency. It will make the new project more expensive. Blueprints for the building are set up in Long’s office.
Representatives of Baker fraternities expressed a need to interest more men in greek life to help the fraternities’ dwindling numbers.
Surveys will be distributed via e-mail about perceptions of substance and alcohol use on the Baker campus.