Baker University students were awarded honors Sunday at the Academic Honors Ceremony in Rice Auditorium.
Students are honored with many different types of awards including individual honors, departmental honors, initiates in honorary organizations, recognition of achievement beyond campus and student senate leadership awards. Students are picked for each honor in different ways, depending on the department and the award.
At the ceremony, the students seem to have many things in common. Honors Program Director Karen Exon said there different qualities students have. For example, they are involved in numerous activities off and on campus and can excel in tasks they are given, among many other abilities.
“Almost without exception, they are intellectually active, intelligent and earn good grades, and put school work first,” Exon said. “Sometimes you hear people say that they are among the best and the brightest.”
Freshman Carl Kramer was among the few freshmen to receive an award, and the only one in the biology department.
“I was really surprised,” Kramer said. “I was really honored to be one of the only freshman to be there.”
The students who are studying abroad at Harlaxton in Grantham, England, are not left out of the ceremony. Rob Flaherty, acting associate dean for faculty and administration services, said those students are still considered for awards.
“They are eligible to win an award,” Flaherty said. “But you don’t have to (be there to) claim it.”
Exon said she wishes that more students and faculty were able to attend the ceremony. Many were gone for athletic events, such as golf or track.
“I’d like to change the timing (of the ceremony) so that I can be there,” Exon said. “There were a lot of folks that should have been awarded that couldn’t attend because they were out representing their school.”
After the ceremony was over, there was a reception at the Collins House hosted by University President Dan Lambert and his wife, Carolyn.
“Dr. Lambert and his wife welcomed everyone,” Kramer said. “It was really similar to the reception, people were mingling with academic heads.”