Hall reps needed for IHC
This article was originally published prior to June 2, 2013. Due to a change in content management systems, the initial publication date is not available.
Interhall Council at Baker University is looking for students who want to represent the voice of their living establishments.
“We definitely want to have … all of our representatives by the time the freshmen have their class officers,” President of IHC Kelly Vaughan said. “That is our goal because that’s when student senate really starts cracking down on absences, and we’ll start having open forum, so we’ll start voting on things and all that kind of stuff.”
Student Development Coordinator and adviser to IHC Myra Glover said IHC representatives are members of student senate.
“Their main function is to be a voice for their living areas and to communicate back to their living areas information and issues from student senate,” Glover said. “IHC has an executive board made up of the president, vice-president, secretary and public relations.”
Glover said the president presides over IHC meetings and acts as the public representative to campus. The vice president serves as the IHC representative to Student Activities Council. The secretary takes attendance and records the minutes at meetings and the public relations officer takes care of advertising IHC meetings, elections, projects and events.