Freshmen choose leaders

This article was originally published prior to June 2, 2013. Due to a change in the content management systems, the initial publication date in not available. 

Five freshmen were voted in as class officers Tuesday at the Baker University Student Senate meeting.

Each student interested in running for a position had to get a petition signed by 15 men and 15 women in the freshman class, which earned he or she a spot on the ballot. After the ballot was filled, an election was held on Sept. 3 and 4 in the Harter Union lobby.

Lauren Thames was elected as president of the freshman class, Kyle Baum as vice president, Shelby Gitchel as secretary-treasurer and Katie Reed and Hannah Schaake earned spots as class representatives.

"I think they will show fantastic leadership and that they have already started by attending meetings. They've shown a lot of interest," Student Senate President Patti Greenbaum said. "I think it's a great group."<br/>