Tutoring program progresses

This article was originally published prior to June 2, 2013. Due to a change in the content management systems, the initial publication date in not available.
Freshman Stephanie Nelson hasn’t been the only student to seek help from Baker University’s tutoring program.
Advising and Tutoring Coordinator Sandy Davidson said this semester the tutoring center has been busier than past years.
“In the past, some tutors didn’t have any students and now everyone has had work to do,” Davidson said.
There are 16 tutors specializing in different areas of study who are available from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. every day.
To seek help, students have the option of making an appointment either online at www.bakeru.edu/sas or in the Student Academic Services center.
Nelson said she was feeling stressed earlier this semester so she stopped by the library to seek help from a tutor.
“I went to the SAS and looked at the times on the board and then set up an appointment online,” Nelson said. “My session lasted about an hour.”
Davidson said tutoring sessions usually last anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
Davidson said even the tutors benefit from the program.
“I will even see tutors getting help from other tutors,” Davidson said. “There is no stigma – that’s been uplifted, I hope.”
Bliss Hartnett, a chemistry, biology and Spanish tutor, said many students come to the tutoring center to have class material presented in a different way.
“Our primary duty is to put information in different terms and take things a little slower,” she said.
Nelson appreciated the assistance she received.
“There’s no sense in suffering. You might as well get some help,” she said.